How to looksmax


Soft-Maxxing VS Hard-Maxxing, what is the difference?
If you’re totally new to the whole softmaxxing, hardmaxxing, or looksmaxxing scene, let me break down looksmaxxing for you quick with a brief definition. What is looks-Maxxing? Looks-maxxing...
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how the Halo & Horn effect dictates how you're being treated by society
The Halo Effect and the Horn Effect are cognitive biases that influence the way people perceive and judge others. These biases can impact various aspects of life, from personal relationships...
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Neotenony: explaining why having childlike features is attractive
Neotony, a concept rooted in evolutionary biology, refers to the retention of juvenile traits into adulthood. This phenomenon has profound implications not only in the animal kingdom...
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Unveiling the Multifaceted Benefits of Enhanced Attractiveness
The pursuit of attractiveness is deeply ingrained in human nature, transcending cultural, societal, and generational boundaries. Beyond the superficial allure, there is a wealth of...
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Brighten Your Gaze: Understanding Brimonidine and Its Role in Achieving a Whiter Sclera
The eyes are often considered windows to the soul, and a clear, bright sclera can enhance the overall attractiveness of the eyes. Brimonidine, a medication originally developed for...
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Minoxidil: growing a full head of hair has neven been this easy
Minoxidil, a medication initially developed to treat high blood pressure, has gained significant attention for its unexpected side effect – promoting hair growth. Over the years, it...
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