How UV damage can take a toll on your skin

The importance of applying daily sunscreen to your face is undisputed. Sunscreen can help protect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure, including but not limited to premature wrinkles and age spots, loss in elasticity leading to sagging skin, and even serious conditions such as basal cell carcinoma or melanoma. As just one piece among a comprehensive approach that includes hats with brims; clothing made of light-weight breathable fabrics like linen; sunglasses with UV protection built into them; avoiding peak hours when possible (10am-2pm); limiting time outdoors on sunny days — some argue it’s THE most critical element involved!

For starters, broad spectrum UVA/UVB coverage should be strong enough for regular use: SPF 30+. Broad Spectrum covers both visible ultraviolet A & B rays which penetrate deeper into our living layers beneath surface levels creating deep-seated damage over years if left unchecked … If you are playing an outdoor sport keep cool cover-ups handy while resting between activities wearing hat shade too In addition brick wall fencing might offer blockage making neighborhood hangs more enjoyable Without proper shield Of course check w family doctor before play well aware any pre-existing medical issues vulnerable areas Sport slathering right overall health body For student geeks slaying pixel beasts may need venture real world bringing protective

Here are some examples of what sun exposure can do to the skin for longer periods of time:

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The effects of smoking and frequent sunbaths on identical twins Jeanne and Susan (Image: NBC News)

For 28 years, the trucker has had his left side exposed to UVA rays transmitted through his window – whereas his right side was covered and relatively unharmed. (New England Journal of Medicine)The jarring effects of UV radiation

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Photograph of a 92-year-old woman that used sunscreen on her face but not her neck for more than 40 years. (The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology)

These striking images perfectly illustrate how important it is to look after your skin and avoid too much sun exposure if you want to keep your skin looking good in the long run. Therefore it is essential that you’ll include some sort of sunscreen in your skincare routine, whether that be 30FPS or 50FPS.

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