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1:19 pm
If you are into the whole beauty and grooming culture, you might have heard the term ‘hardmaxxing’ in recent years. But you may wonder, what the hell is hardmaxxing? Well, just like softmaxxing,...
8:21 pm
If you clicked on this article, then you are probably asking yourself, “What is softmaxxing?” Softmaxxing is just like hardmaxxing, part of the continuing global trend of looksmaxxing, which...
2:29 pm
If you are tired of all the same boring fragrances people are constantly talking about, then this list is for you. If you don’t want to smell like everyone else, like the typical Jean Paul Gaultier...
9:11 am
I don’t have bad teeth myself—quite the opposite, actually. Since last September, when my braces came off, my teeth were polished, and I saw a set of pearly whites staring back at me. After my orthodontist...
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